Our Values


  • Providing flexibility in Production and Planning to serve the needs of all customers on time.

Effective Communication

  • Comminucation of all departments and members within the factory with each other and move forward quickly by solving problems at once.


  • Recognizing that quality is not a definition that belongs only to the Quality Department within the factory, that all units are customers of each other and approaching quality from this perspective. 

Development and Change

  • Spreading the perception that we can do new and better, rather than “I know” through active participation and support to newly established and planned projects.


  • Mature and aware of the fact that every action is for the benefit of the company and himself/herself, and maintains the functioning in such a way that discussions do not lead to departmental communication breakdown.


  • To create the perception of a reliable company in the eyes of the customer and to create a structure where factory employees trust each other and to continue the operation in this way. 


  • Experienced staff who can produce fast and accurate answers to all questions and problems.

Rules of Ethic 

  • Compliance with Corporate and Personal Rules of Ethics.